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5 Wellness Resolutions for the New Year

5 Wellness Resolutions for the New Year

As you look to start the new year off right, here are some ways you can take better care of yourself to feel your best through this year and beyond.

Tips for a Healthy Gut Microbiome

Tips for a Healthy Gut Microbiome

Gut health has gotten an abundance of attention in recent years, and for good reason. Experts in medicine have long suspected the gastrointestinal tract plays a larger role in our health beyond digestion alone, and studies have confirmed this belief over time. Today,...

Navigating a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Navigating a Gluten-Free Lifestyle

Being diagnosed with celiac disease or another condition that causes gluten sensitivity often comes with conflicting feelings. While you may be relieved to know the source of your gastrointestinal symptoms, it’s also normal to feel overwhelmed about a future dictated...

Early Signs of Gastrointestinal Diseases

Early Signs of Gastrointestinal Diseases

We’ve all experienced an upset stomach from time to time. Whether it stems from eating something that didn’t agree with us, an intestinal flu, or experiencing anxious nerves, there are a lot of factors that can cause gastrointestinal distress. Knowing how to...

Why is Blood Donation Important?

Why is Blood Donation Important?

Your summer calendar may already be somewhat full with family vacations, gatherings, and a little down time planned. But in honor of World Blood Donor Day this month, we’d like to encourage you to consider adding one more thing to your list of summer goals. Donating...

How Does Summer Affect Mental Health?

How Does Summer Affect Mental Health?

“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy,” the old song may go, but that isn’t the case for everyone. While others may be looking forward to family vacations, outdoor gatherings, and the laid-back vibe summer months can bring, for some, seasonal affective disorder (SAD)...

Skin Cancer Awareness and How to Protect Yourself

Skin Cancer Awareness and How to Protect Yourself

We’re all experiencing the benefits of extra sunshine that come with the spring and summer months, but too much of the sun’s harmful UV rays can lead to the most common — and most preventable — form of cancer in the U.S. Skin cancer impacts more than five million...

How Does Diet Affect IBD?

How Does Diet Affect IBD?

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is the umbrella term for two conditions that affect the gastrointestinal tract: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. These conditions are chronic, meaning they don’t have a cure, and symptoms may go dormant or come on again in...

The Importance of Annual Physicals as an Adult

The Importance of Annual Physicals as an Adult

It’s tax season, and the start of a new quarter. Though you may have ensured your finances, work goals, and summer plans are buttoned up so far this year, have you included your annual physical on the checklist of important things to take care of?  Meeting with...